Europump International

exproof motor sh 90s4t3
Indukta Exproof Motors
The II 2G EExe II series ex-proof motors are three phase asynchronous explosion proof, increased safety and totally enclosed IP 55 motors. They are adapted for operating in hazardous areas, other then mining, due to the presence of explosive gases, vapours or mists (Group II).
The motors belong to devices of Group II
Category 2G intended to work in Zone 1 and Zone 2. Zone 1 covers areas in which occasionaly occurrs an explosive atmosphere (not constantly). Zone 2 covers areas in which occurrence of an explosive atmosphere is not likely, but if one should occurr, then only rarely and only for a short period.
Ex-proof Motor Features:
  • rated outputs for continuous duty,
  • rated voltage 230, 400, 500 [V],
  • frequency 50 [Hz],
  • environment temperature -20 to +40[°C],
  • altitude up to 1000 [m] above sea level,
  • insulation class F,
  • protection degree IP 55,
  • one free shaft extension according to dimension
  • drawing (two shaft extension on request),
  • terminal box with glands and terminal board with 6 terminals,
  • there is a possibility to offer the motors of mechanical size 90 and 112 with terminal box mounted in the left or right side of the motor frame
Motor Model kW HP RPM KG
Sh 90 S-4-T3 1,1 1,5 1405 12,7
Sh 90 L-4-T3 1,5 2 1415 15,5
Sg 100 L-4A-T3 2,2 3 1425 21,9
Sg 100 L-4B-T3 3 4 1415 24
Sg112 M-4-T3 4 5,5 1430 33
Sg 132 S-4-T3 5,5 7,5 1455 60
Sg 132 M-4-T3 7,5 10 1450 71
Sg 160 M-4-T3 11 15 1460 104
Sg 160 L-4-T3 15 20 1460 126
Sg 180M-4-T3 18,5 25 1470 173
Sg 180L-4-T3 22 30 1465 200